Jocurile care ne pun mintea la treaba sunt poate cele mai interesante iar jocuri logice sunt o categorie mult cautata pe Internet Darnell Savage Jr. Youth Jersey , mai ales de cei care vor sa-si testeze capacitatea de a gandi logic. Fie ca sunt simple puzzle-uri sau mahjong, cu poze sau mistere care asteapta sa fie dezlegate, fie ca sunt combinate cu jocuri de perspicacitate si memorie, jocuri logice online sunt pe placul multor jucatori mai putin obisnuiti cu datul click-urilor si mai interesati de valorile reale.
Nu cred ca cei care joaca jocuri logice online sunt genii sau sunt pe cale sa devina geniali, cred ca marea lor majoritate isi exerseaza mintea, relaxandu-se gandind. Cu mult mai putini decat jucatorii de shootere, jucatorii de jocuri logice online au inteles sa foloseasca in beneficiul lor calculatorul Rashan Gary Youth Jersey , chiar si atunci cand isi pierd timpul sau pur si simplu se distreaza.
Pentru ca si distractia se poate face inteligent si cu bun simt. Ii apreciez pe acesti jucatori mai putin zgomotosi si mai putin interesati de noutati viu colorate si sangerande cu mult mai mult decat pe majoritatea celor autointitulati gameri, care isi pierd timpul in confruntari fara sens in superjocurile puternic sustinute de campanii de reclame.
Ca si jucatorii de sah, sau jucatorii de jocuri de strategie, pentru care nu rezultatul, ci mai ales progresul conteaza, jucatorii de jocuri logice online privesc mult mai detasat provocarile din aceste jocuri si incearca sa le faca fata cat mai onorabil, evoluand micrometric Jaire Alexander Youth Jersey , dar evoluand cu fiecare joc rezolvat sau mentinandu-si treaza gandirea logica.
Articolul de fata nu vrea sa faca apologia jucatorilor de jocuri logice online ci doar sa atraga atentia asupra unei categorii de jocuri utile, care merita sa fie jucate, indiferent de gradele de complexitate atinse, pentru ca acestea au o finalitate sesizabila.
Nu veti ramane niciodata cu un gust amar daca veti juca jocuri logice online si cred ca nici cu frustrari, cred ca pur si simplu va va face placere sa va destindeti intr-o maniera mai inteligenta si mai provocatoare, in sensul necesitatii exercitiului mental continuu. Sunt de acord ca nivelul unor jocuri logice online este destul de scazut pentru unii jucatori, dar acestea sunt consideratii subiective Aaron Rodgers Youth Jersey , usor sau greu sunt notiuni abstracte, arbitrare si deci, subiective.
Posibilitatea de a juca jocuri logice online, pe care Internetul ne-o ofera, arata ca acesta nu se adreseaza doar mediocritatii, desi ea domina la tot pasul, in toate lumile Dexter Williams Womens Jersey , fie ele reale sau virtuale si ca exista si alt mod de a comunica cu un calculator, un mod inteligent spre care poate ca ar trebui ca, incet- incet, toti creatorii de jocuri online sa-si indrepte privirile, pentru ca traim intr-o lume care uita pe zi ce trece care ii este rostul si menirea.
When I first moved to Seattle, I worked for 9 years as a paint contractor. It is amazing the lessons I learned from this field, that I now carry into the field of sales. For example Jace Sternberger Womens Jersey , before anyone can paint, you must plan what colors and textures you would want. You must have a vision of the finished product before you start. Next will come the preparation work. Before you apply a long-lasting, beautiful finish, you must "prep" the surface by washing, spackling, caulking, or priming. The actual painting comes only after you have spent countless hours preparing for it.
In sales Elgton Jenkins Womens Jersey , you must have a clear vision of what you do, and where the process will lead us. Much like visualizing how something will look when we have completed applying our finish, you also must have a vision of a quality presentation on the benefits of your service or product.
Preparing our sales presentation requires that you accumulate all of the necessary information, and gather the needs or desires of our prospect. Just like sanding, priming, and spackling insures adhesion of a paint to the surface, your gathered information will bond your presentation and demonstration the prospects' interest. Much time and work will go into this part of the process Darnell Savage Jr. Womens Jersey , and the "glory" part; the actual selling, will have to wait until we are satisfied that we have all of the information.
If all necessary "prep" work is done, and the surface is ready then the finish is applied. Just like painting, the sales process should continue only when the prospects' needs have been completely understood, and you have set the stage for your solution. This will insure a long-lasting, and beautiful relationship with the client, and set you apart from the "average". Now you can tailor your presentation to your client.
So Rashan Gary Womens Jersey , if you spend a little more time on the prep work (gathering information and building rapport), then your finish (presentation and demonstration) will adhere better, and yield a more desirable outcome.
Michael Niles is a Seattle based sales trainer, speaker, and coach. He can be reached at 206-229-3119, michael6941@ , or .
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